Climate Action East Linton

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Danny Wight

I moved to Tyninghame with my wife, Erica, in 2014, after many years searching for a small area of land for an orchard. Having grown up in rural Kent and been inspired/ alarmed by Silent Spring and other environmental writing, I’ve been involved in the green movement since my teens (over 40 years ago), and a member of the Scottish Green Party since 1998. Given our woefully inadequate response to the climate emergency, I was delighted to learn about CAEL and to meet such a lovely, motivated bunch of people so nearby. I wish I had more time to contribute, but have to split it between social science research in public health at Glasgow University (3 days a week), managing an organic small holding, and community/green activities/politics. I’ve written a blog post for the CAEL website about politics and climate, which you can read here.